I was just sent an email by the good folks over at XLGAMES, the developer of ArcheAge regarding the announcement of Closed Beta 4 earlier today (link). Here is a small snippet for you guys, as the rest of the email is confidential 🙂 And, please be reminded that it is XLGAMES, not XL Games as I posted in all my previous posts~!
ArcheAge CBT4 test will start on December 8 and
(don’t get too surprised)
this test will go as long as 80 days.CBTs nowdays only go for 5-6 days, but XLGAMES thought that such test period is too short to get detail feedbacks from testers.
SO, ArcheAge CBT4 will go on for 80 days to receive intense and thorough feedback from testers,and will be updated every week during the test period(including content update, bug modification)
In ArcheAge CBT4, the new (third) continent/land will be revealed at last after 5 years of development, along with new race ‘Hariharan’.
In the new(third) continent/land players will be able to establish a new country, build castles, and participate in siege warfare with your fellows.