This must be a weird looking MMORPG for the most of you, but fear not~! Beneath its overdose of cuteness and sweetness, its actually quite a 3D side-scroller action MMORPG.
It has its similarity with Dragonica, mainly the various instances (mission maps from DGN) and aims But let’s see what the differences are.
There are currently 4 basic characters you can start with:
3 classes are currently available: Chef, Magician and Sportsman.
Characters can also change their looks through various methods. Some are permanent, while the others are temporary. Here are some of the new looks:
Previously mentioned, there will be various instances similar to Dragonica’s mission maps other than field maps. The big difference is that normal mobs here also drop good items and various equipments. The boss at the end of the instance drops the best loot of course.
Here are 2 of the bosses found at the end of the instances.
Here is a look at how the World Map looks like, and the entrance of an instance.
Characters in this game learn new skills via skill cards. There are many many combination of skills you can create, just by looking at the skill window (below) is already making my head giddy. Awesome skills though, from the descriptions. And they all look really fun 😀
Let’s hope the game will see light of a English version. Here are more screenshots to close the post:
Update: New screenshots ~!!!
Update: New ingame footage ~!!!