[Kickstarter page] Previously using CryEngine 3, City of Titans was switched to Unreal Engine back in March this year. This is a project initiated by the community after NCsoft unceremoniously closed down City of Heroes and City of Villains, and…
North America
Game news from North America
Universum: War Front – Kickstarter campaign looking to global online play
[Kickstarter page] A new Kickstarter campaign was just highlighted to me, and it is titled Universum: War Front. Powered by Unity Engine and Nvidia PhysX, Universum allows players to play in various modes, such as RTS (top view) and FPS/…
Half-Life 3 – Valve reportedly files trademark for game sequel
[Source] The logo above is fan-made, so hold you horses. But in actual news. the folks at NeoGAF found out that Valve has actually filed trademark for Half-Life 3, the sequel which made folks wait for nearly a decade now.…
City of Titans – Kickstarter to launch soon for new superhero online title
Born from the ashes of City of Heroes and City of Villains, Missing Words Media was formed to salvage the situation. The Project Phoenix was formed to re-create an entirely new superhero online game, and if you are interested in…
Nosgoth – Canceled Legacy of Kain sequel revives as an online PvP game
[Register] Once the sequel to 2003’s Legacy of Kain, the title got canceled abruptly. Yesterday, it was revealed to be revived as a Free-to-Play online game, Nosgoth, with publisher being Square Enix and heading towards Steam. There is currently no…
ArcheAge – Publisher provides latest update for English server
[Register] Well, there isn’t actually any concrete information about Closed Beta, but it seems Trion Worlds is hinting that the game is not really ready to be shown to the public now, not weeks but in months. The publisher recently…
Warhammer Online – English server to shut down in December
[Source] Warhammer Online will finally be shutting down on 18th December 2013, after years of operations in the competitive market. The closure coincides with the end of the licensing agreement with IP owner Games Workshop. Both the Korea and Taiwan…
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Auction house system to be removed next year
[Source] In short, the auction house system will be removed. Yeap, that is about it. This glorious occasion will be happening on March 18, 2014, which is still quite some time away from now. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to…
Silent Hunter Online – Naval warfare browser MMO enters Open Beta
[Play now] Ubisoft is now just working on several next-generation games for the upcoming new consoles, but the company is certainly looking to expand in the Free-to-Play PC gaming market. Silent Hunter Online is the latest to be offered, a…
BlizzCon 2013 – Virtual ticket now available for November event
[Buy now] After skipping a year of BlizzCon, the supposed annual event by Blizzard Entertainment is back this year, and the virtual tickets are now on sale! With just 2 days of partying from 8th to 9th November, I am…
Ragnarok Zero – Browser game of classic title comes to English market
[Game website] First announced for the China market back in July, the browser game for Ragnarok Online has been renamed as Ragnarok Zero for the English market. Yes, you read it right, this is a browser-based MMO. I have tried…
Age of Wushu – Sneak preview for upcoming Winter content update
[Game website] Winter of 2013 is on the way, prepare yourselves for the invading new additions to Age of Wushu. Coveted new Scripts to master, Instances hidden within your own School, Ultimate Power, and of course the strength of Marriage…
Strife – In-depth alpha client walkthrough with Total Biscuit
[Beta signup] A new MOBA from S2 Games, developers of Heroes of Newerth, Strife is looking to make sure members of the same team work well together and reduce internal conflicts. Total Biscuit has an in-depth look at the game…
EndWar Online – Ubisoft reveals military “next gen browser game”
[Beta signup] Out of nowhere, Ubisoft recently announced Tom Clancy’s EndWar Online, touting it as a “next gen browser game” for the PC and Mac. EndWar Online will feature real-time battles, HQ and army management, and “massive” community-based wars. …