Thanks to Kristaps for messaging me the news. NCsoft has announced that China IPs will be blocked from Lineage II, and this hasn’t come as a surprise to me. It is a fact the world’s biggest gold farmers and illegal…
North America
Game news from North America
ArcheAge – Publisher for North America and Europe announced
[Game website] Personally a surprise for me, the publisher for ArcheAge in North America and Europe has been announced to be Trion Worlds, currently of RIFT fame. This comes after the Russian server was announced just a few days back.…
The Elder Scrolls Online – Closed Beta registration begins
[Game website] If you noticed, the 2 game trailers thus far for the game have all been in CG format. No doubt they are gorgeous, but I can’t help but to feel why isn’t developer Zenimax Online starting to show…
Project Titan – Jay Wilson may be switching to secret project
An awesome piece of news for Diablo fans, the 1 man who managed to ruin the Diablo franchise is finally leaving the game. I am talking about Jay Wilson, Diablo III’s now former Game Director, who somehow succeeded to take…
Defiance – Open world co-op boss fights with tons of guns
[Beta signup] Launching this April together with a TV drama series, Defiance is aiming to take the sci-fi genre to the next level by merging the storyline of the series with that of the MMO version’s. Basically a 3rd person…
Neverwinter – Game still slated for early 2013 release
[Game website] It has been years since Neverwinter was revealed, and to be fair, the transition from the intended P2P to F2P model after Perfect World’s takeover of developer Cryptic Studios delayed the game significantly. In the earlier PR release…
Marvel Heroes – Founders Program offers no guaranteed beta access
[Game website] Gazzilion Entertainment, developer and publisher of the upcoming Marvel Heroes MMO, revealed 3 different Founder Packs today, priced at 19.99 USD, 59.99 USD and 199.99 USD respectively. It is a fair system these days after getting inspired by…
TERA – North America server announces F2P conversion
[Game website] After weeks of speculation and following the conversion of both the Korea and Japan servers, En Masse Entertainment finally announced that the North America server will be entering the Free-to-Play phase come February 2013, which is next month.…
The Phoenix Project – City of Heroes reborn with CryEngine 3
Founded by several fans of the now-defunct City of Heroes, Missing Worlds Media rose from the ashes and announced the ambitious Project Phoenix, a similar hero-themed MMORPG. Set to be crafted by CryEngine 3, an early teaser trailer of the…
Blizzard All-Stars – Possible delay hinted with job post
While there wasn’t any confirmed release date in the first place, most gamers expected Blizzard All-Stars to be released by 2013, since it has been announced back in 2010 with some pretty images. First known as Blizzard DotA, the project…
BlizzCon 2013 – Mike Morhaime confirms event back this year
As all gamers know, Blizzard decided to skip BlizzCon 2012 due to several reasons, such as the manpower reaching its limit for launching Diablo III and preparing for Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. Blizzard’s co-founder and president, Mike Morhaime,…
Warframe – Setting the standard for next-gen MMO graphics
[Game website] As 2012 is about to end, I got an email informing me that Closed Beta access has been granted to me for Warframe, an online 3rd person shooter by veteran game studio, Digital Extremes. I was having doubts…
Marvel Heroes – New gameplay walkthrough explains more details
I am having a serious case of 2 minds about Marvel Heroes. I love the fact that thousands of these iconic characters will be appearing in the game, yet I can’t stand the fact heroes like Storm and Iron Man…
Defiance – Beta signups begin on cool promotional site
[Beta signup] Heard of the upcoming third-person online shooter, Defiance? Well, most people have no idea what that is despite the big tie-up with a live TV series. No matter, it is developed by Trion Worlds of RIFT fame, and…