Archlord II – Community slams Webzen for lack of communication

According to several Korean games website and Archlord II’s official forums, Webzen is being slammed by the community after the recent PvP content update, where the top 60 players in PvP gather to fight for the titular “Archlord” position. It…

Mabinogi II: Arena – Developement discontinued for upcoming sequel

[Source] First announced at G-Star 2012, it has been announced that Nsquare will be stopping development on Mabinogi II: Arena. Nsquare is the joint team formed after Nexon bought over NCsoft, and the team will now move on to other…

TERA Korea – New Elin-exclusive class revealed and set to debut next week

First teased a couple of weeks ago in both the Korean and English media, Bluehole Studio finally revealed the new Elin-exclusive class, which will debut in the Korean server on 9th January 2014. This new class will also debut in…

Black Desert – New game content teased for upcoming Closed Beta 2

With Closed Beta 2 fast arriving for Black Desert (no confirmed date currently), the official website has been updated with a GM post, teasing part of the new content gamers can expect in the new client. Gameplay videos from Closed…

MapleStory – EunWol, The Forgotten Hero, arrives in Korean server

[Source] The Korean live server for MapleStory recently saw the arrival of the latest hero character, EunWol. The “forgotten” 6th hero class, EunWol sacrificed himself before the other hero characters in order to seal the powerful Black Mage and protect…

Kingdom Under Fire II – Game trailer edited with English narrative

Korean developer Blueside re-released a game trailer for Kingdom Under Fire II, edited with English narrative. 1 of the most anticipated online titles in the world, merging RTS and action combat together, the English SEA version by will apparently…

Mabinogi Heroes – Ladies’ Code named as spokesperson for update

With the new Lynn character arriving early next year, Nexon has revealed the official spokesperson for the update, with the honor going to Korean female pop group Ladies’ Code. I am not sure how popular this group is for the…

Elite Lord of Alliance – Debut test phase to begin early next month

1 of the “lesser” titles scheduled for a 2014 release, Netmarble’s Elite Lord of Alliance will be entering its debut test phase on 8th January. ELOA will have a quarter view camera (similar to Diablo) instead of a 3rd person…

League of Legends – MOBA title among top searches for year 2013

Naver, Korea’s biggest search engine (which forced Yahoo to retreat from the country), recently revealed the top 2013 searches under different categories. Under the PC category, League of Legends received an astounding No.2 position, the only game featuring in the…

Winning Eleven Online – Invitational Test to be held early next month

With FIFA Online 3 the only dominant soccer (or football, depending on where you live) online game in Korea, it seems there might be room for more similar games. Enter Winning Eleven Online 2014 (or Pro Evolution Soccer), which will…

Mabinogi Heroes – New Asian character to debut next month

As part of Mabinogi Heroes’ winter update, a new character will be added next January. A female character, her names is Lynn and the first Asian-inspired character to grace Mabinogi Heroes. Definitely a fresh breath of air for me, and…

Bless – New article focuses on armour and costume designs philosophy

While not following the trend now to churn out a non-target action game, Bless is setting itself apart with the gorgeous designs of the game world. These include towns, environments, attention to details and of course, armour and costumes. The…

Black Desert – New video recaps G-Star 2013 racing and PvP events

Publisher Daum and developer PearlAbyss revealed a new trailer recently, recapping the live stage horse racing and PvP events back at G-Star 2013 last month. The PvP arena was not available in Closed Beta 1, but should be ready for…

Dragon Nest – Major update sees the the arrival of the Black Dragon

In a major game update yesterday, the Korean server for Dragon Nest welcomed its latest boss in the form of the Black Dragon. Of course, there is the Black Dragon nest as well for players level 70 and up to…