Last week’s Black Desert theme was more of a series of artwork depicting the game’s lore, which I lazily skipped… Moving on, this week is all about NPCs and the environment in and around the main town, or rather the…
South Korea
Game news from South Korea
NCsoft – Lineage 1 remains main revenue source for Korean giant
Launched back in the year 1998, Lineage 1 is still the main revenue source for NCsoft in the 2nd quarter of 2013. That is a huge 15 years of live service! The next major revenue source, Guild Wars 2, is…
RaiderZ – Korean server bidding farewell to gamers next month
In a somewhat shocking announcement, Neowiz has announced the termination of RaiderZ Korea, with the game and website closing on 24th September 2013, with cash reimbursement going on through October. This follows closely after the Europe server announced its closure…
Tree of Savior – Official name for Project R1 finally revealed
While I am not sure if the official English name will be the same, the Korean version for the much-anticipated game, Project R1, has been officially named as Tree of Savior (트리 오브 세이비어). There is currently no official image…
Bless – New breathtaking screenshots released for Unreal Engine 3 epic
A silent few months have passed since we have heard anything about Neowiz’s upcoming Unreal Engine 3 epic, Bless, but the developer/ publisher finally decided to break the silence recently with a new world view trailer new screenshots of the…
Dungeon & Fighter – Female Slayer new class advancements revealed
Nexon and Neople are just raining content updates upon Dungeon & Fighter, with the 2nd advancement classes for the Female Slayer coming on 12th September, just a month after the same class arrived for the Female Fighter. The 2 new…
Dungeon & Fighter – Trailers for Female Fighter class advancements
I am late for this news, but better late than never I guess. The Korean server for Dungeon & Fighter got updated with the 2nd class advancements for Female Fighter, and I had some tough time translating some of the…
World in Audition – 3rd dance game in Audition series revealed
First releasing Audition Online and Audition Online 2 in various countries, Korean developer Hanbitsoft announced the 3rd game in the series a couple of days ago, World in Audition. Led by the core team who made the first 2 games,…
Kritika – New boss dungeon aims to challenge players to their limits
And let the updates never stop! After announcing the incoming PvP feature, Kritika also added a new boss challenge dungeon yesterday. There are different tricks, skills and quick reflexes needed, as each boss will have their own signature attack patterns.…
Kritika – PvP feature arriving as final summer 2013 update
The final part of the summer update for Kritika Korea is finally near (14th August), with the PvP feature finally being implemented. I guess some of you might be surprised PvP wasn’t available at launch, or released at an earlier…
Age of Storm – Awesome new trailer as Open Beta begins tomorrow
The third-person MOBA market in Korea hasn’t really been successful (other than Cyphers), with the other only example in Land of Chaos Online (LOCO), if anyone remembered how short-lived it was. But publisher Neowiz is not afraid to fail for…
Mabinogi Heroes – Juggernaut raid boss detailed in new trailer
Previewed late last month, Mabinogi Heroes will be getting its new massive raid boss, Juggernaut, on 8th August. A hybrid between living organism and mechanical parts, Juggernaut can stretch its arms like Luffy, throw bombs, hang onto ceilings, give a…
MapleStory – Hekaton arrives in massive 1 vs 100 battle
[Source] In the final part for MapleStory Korea’s summer 2013 content update, the previously-teased giant boss was finally released yesterday, with its name being Hekaton. And yes, there will be 100 Maplers who will go against him, given his massive…
Black Desert – New theme of the week focuses on monsters
While the previous theme focused on characters, this week’s theme is focused on the monsters found in Black Desert. Viewers might mistaken the trailer below as a combat teaser one, but I guess that doesn’t hurt in any way. For…