Almost 10 months ago, I posted that Age of Conan will be going Free to Play in Korea. Players soon got worried if the English servers will go down the same route, with a staff assuring them that business models…
Avalon Taiwan – Shameless marketing
This is not a post about important gaming news, but more of a ranting post for me. Despite my love for the Asian MMO industry, there are still certain tactics which really irk me. Introducing Avalon Taiwan, a new DOTA-inspired…
Ghost Recon Online – Signup for beta
(Source) Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon series is going online! The classic franchise by Ubisoft is now brought online as a Free to Play MMOFPS. Since 2001, 9 games in the series were introduced to the gaming world. Despite having multi-player…
Dragon Ball Online (TW) – Official Closed beta starts 27th May
Dragon Ball Online Taiwan, which I covered in my previous posts, will enter its 1st official Closed Beta phase on 27th May which is in a few days’ time. New features will be the ability for characters to change into…
Dragona Taiwan – Closed Beta hits 13,000 players
I thought I should post this as the staff over at Dragona Taiwan‘s publisher provided me with a Closed Beta account without much hesitation. The game had been in the news as of late, with the number of Closed Beta…
CJ Games adds 5th online shooter for 2011
Korea’s biggest entertainment company, CJ Entertainment & Media, has officially revealed the poster for its 5th online shooter this year, Shadow Company. Developed by Doobic Game Studios, creators of Combat Arms, Shadow Company incorporated the Unreal 3 Engine in making…
Lineage II – Call of Destiny arriving
Lineage II was just updated with the Goddess of Destruction update recently in Korea, but the game’s revamp isn’t going to stop there. Continuing from the first update, the 2nd update in the mega expansion is apparently titled “Call of…
XL Games and Take-Two works on new MMORPG
XL Games, the Korean MMO developer founded by Lineage creator Jake Song, has announced an official partnership with Take-Two Interactive to work on a new MMORPG. The actual work will be done with one of Take-Two’s development studio, 2K Games.…
The Weekend Journal
Phew, what a week it has been for me. I finally set up a Facebook page for this blog after 2 whole years! For those who are wondering why in the world did I set up a Facebook page, it…
Dragona Taiwan – Beginner footage
First of all, I will really like to thank Taiwanese publisher, M-etel, for passing me a Closed Beta key for Dragona Taiwan after I emailed them seeking for one. They graciously accepted my request and I am really, really thankful…
Dungeon Keeper Online – Evil is good!
If you haven’t heard, Chinese MMO developer NetDragon has acquired the rights from Electronic Arts (EA) to develop a MMORPG based on the Dungeon Keeper franchise. Initially developed by Bullfrog Productions (defunct since 2004), NetDragon aims to bring the world…
Mabinogi Heroes – Getting cosy with 30 players
Mabinogi Heroes, developed by DevCat and published by Nexon Korea, has released 2 new trailers displaying new features involving 30 players in a single map. The first will be a 30-man PvP map while the second is a 30-man PvE…
Hellgate Global – Signup for Closed Beta starts
Just 4 days after the teaser website for Hellgate Global was launched, the official Closed Beta signup is now open! Players will need to create an account at T3Fun, the English MMO portal for Hanbitsoft. Following that, there are 2…
Saint Seiya Online – Sega confirms deal with Perfect World
(Source) According to Japan’s biggest gaming website, 4Gamer, Sega Corporation has just confirmed that it has signed a contract with Perfect World for the rights of Saint Seiya Online. This news was first posted last month in my blog. According…