Yeap, you read it right. Xbox 360’s classic console action RPG, Ninety-Nine Nights, is getting its very own PC online treatment soon in the form of Ninety-Nine Nights Online, or N3 Online.. One of the original development studio, Q Entertainment,…
TERA Korea to go P2P soon
TERA Korea, which recently announced its monthly fee, has confirmed to go into its commercial P2P phase on 25th January 2011, about 2 weeks after Open Beta phase started. In addition to the standard monthly fee option, there will also be options…
Age of Titan – PvP preview
Chinese MMO developer, I Got Games (IGG), which mainly does its business in the North American market, has previewed a variety of PvP (Player Vs Player) elements in their upcoming MMORPG, Age of Titan. There are a total of 8 PvP modes,…
Battle of the Immortals – Titan’s Descent
Battle of the Immortals (China) has just released its latest expansion into their servers today, calming fears that the game will be neglected after the release of Empire of the Immortals. Translated directly as Titan’s Descent, tons of new stuff will be…
Zombie Online – Closed Beta screenshots
Zombie Online, published by new Korean MMO publisher, GI Games, recently held its first Closed Beta phase. Little was known on how the game look like previously, until now that is. Below are some screenshots from the recent Closed Beta, courtesy of…
TERA Korea confirms monthly pricing
TERA Korea went into Open Beta recently and has already knocked Aion off its throne. According to Korean gaming statistics website, Gametrics, TERA had 14.97% of the internet cafe market share (correct as of 16th Jan) compared to Aion’s 14.88%.…
Dragon Nest – Infinity update
As I posted a few weeks ago, Nexon teased about the Dragon Nest’s first actual “Dragon Nest”, which belongs to the Sea Dragon. I am actually nearly a month late for this news, so do pardon me as I was…
Nexon cancels Dekaron 2, Sudden Attack 2 on the brink
According to popular Korean gaming website, Game Chosun, Nexon has canceled the development of Dekaron 2. If you did not know, Nexon bought over Dekaron’s developer, GameHi, a few months back. The team working on Dekaron 2 will now be…
Dragona – New features revealed
Dragona, developed by Korean MMO company, Liveplex, has revealed it latest trailer. The new video showcased the game’s new features, including the Dark Field, where players can PK each other without penalty while surrounded by various monsters as well. This…
QQ Journey to the West – A brief look
I actually just got back from the hospital, having been on the drip overnight for some freak fever which wouldn’t go away… But since I am waiting for the medicine’s drowsiness to take effect, I thought I would post this…
Perfect World Entertainment to publish its first external MMO
This came as a total shocker to me, not that I did not expected it, but the deal came out of the blue. Perfect World Entertainment, known to host its self-developed MMORPGs in North America and China, has confirmed that…
MMO ☆ Culture will be down for 2 days
Hello brothers and sisters, readers and non-readers, gamers and non-gamers, cats and dogs, I am sorry to announce the closure of MMO ☆ Culture for 2 days, as I will be discarding away my old computer for a brand new one…
Grand Chase goes to Europe
Korean online game developer, KOG, has signed a contract with SG Interactive for the publishing of Grand Chase Online in Europe. If you did not know, SG Interactive is the English MMO portal for Korean MMO company, Ntreev. SG Interactive is currently…
Age of Titans – Screenshots revealed !!!
MMO developer and publisher, I Got Games (IGG), has just revealed the first batch of screenshots for its upcoming fantasy MMORPG, Age of Titans. The exclusive screenshots were provided to Chinese gaming website, earlier today. Just that you do not know, IGG is…