Dragona prepares for Open Beta

Dragona, developed by Korean studio Liveplex, has begun preparations for the game’s Open Beta phase by releasing a new trailer. In the trailer, the new Shaman class is featured, with its rarely seen Draganoid forms as well. There is also footages of the…

Neople teases new action MMO

Korean MMO development studio, known best for Nexon’s Dungeon Fighter Online, has just teased its new upcoming MMO, Cyphers. It is touted as an action online game, developed using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, though no version was mentioned (most probably…

NCsoft’s Aion goes 2.5

NCsoft has just held a press conference to reveal upcoming updates for Aion version 2.5, which will add much new content to the game. Please note that the below content is translated using my freaking lousy Korean language + Google…

Flyff Korea teases Colosseum

Gala Net, the company behind one of the most popular 3D MMORPG ever, Fly For Fun (Flyff), has teased about the game’s upcoming content update, Colosseum. In the new Colosseum feature, parties enter the arena and battle various boss monsters,…

Divine Soul heads to Russia

Well, in case you get confused, the North America version is called “Divine Souls”, while the Korean version is called “Divine Soul”, without the “s”. As I am lazy to find the logo without the “s”, I am using the…

RIFT pokes fun at World of Warcraft

Personally, I think it is a HUGE mistake to even so directly taking a shot at the MMO juggernaut, World of Warcraft. Even if the words “We’re not int Azeroth anymore” seem harmless enough, a deeper look will get some…

A sneak peek into Bluehole Studio

If you have not heard of Bluehole Studio, it must mean you have not been following the recent developments in the MMO industry :p In a brief introduction, Bluehole Studio is the developer of the upcoming action MMO, TERA, which…

ArcheAge aims for Open Beta in November

According to XL Games, the developer for the Ultima Online inspired MMO, ArcheAge, the game is currently scheduled to hit Open Beta (Korea) somewhere in November 2011. This brings forward the formal date, which was actually first set at early 2012. The…

TERA nabs 50,000 players and counting

According to ThisIsGame.com, TERA Korea, developed by Bluehole Studio and published by NHN, has announced that the first 10 servers are already full. This is part of the pre-Open Beta registration plan where players can only create one character on…

From 2010 to 2011 and beyond

Wall of text alert! I was hesitating if I should post a summary of what 2010’s online gaming industry was like to me, as my blog ain’t really big and I am not exactly a professional writer who writes a few…

Rumor – Ultima Online 2 back on track?

Before carry on reading, please do note that this is currently still a rumor with nothing concrete from official sources. The logo you see above was the original one for Ultima Online 2 a few years back, which was ultimately canned…

Zombie Online – A brief preview

A few days back, I posted about Zombie Online, one of the upcoming MMOs to hit the Korean market. More information has since been released, and let’s take a brief look at them. The classes found in the game were…

Zone 4: Fight District – Open Beta trailer

Well, I do know that the English server has been up for some time, but surprisingly, the Korean server, hosted by Nexon, has just gone into the Open Beta phase today. The game aside, I was more intrigued by the…

MapleStory – Technological Age update

Well, you can either call the update Technological Age or Age of Technology, I think everyone gets the meaning. This is actually the 2nd part of the Chaos expansion mentioned earlier, with the new crafting skills added into the game.…