As expected, Korean MMO giant has released its trailer for G*Star 2010, mainly featuring the new upcoming character, Kalok (Karok in Vindictus, which will be added to the Korean server on 14th December. The biggest character till date in the…
Berkanix – CBT Movie trailer Part 1
Berkanix, a sci-fi MMORPG developed by ChoiRock Games (formerly Sonov Entertainment), has announced that the first Closed Beta for the game will take place on 26th November. The game has been in development for around 4 years, with over 100 staff working…
[G*Star 2010] Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction revealed
Having previewed this news a few weeks back, at NCsoft’s G*Star 2010 press conference, the official trailer for Lineage 2’s next expansion, Goddess of Destruction, was revealed for the very first time. According to NCsoft’s spokesperson, the very core systems, including combat, professions etc…
[G*Star 2010] Project Goblin official trailer
After revealing the teaser trailer for WeMade Entertainment’s Project Goblin a few days back, the official G*Star 2010 trailer has now been revealed! Project Goblin is WeMade Entertainment’s first side-scrolling MMORPG, and I am sure it is just a temporary name…
Battle of the Immortals – Expansion hinted
With the recent announcement of Empire of the Immortals, the 2nd game in the new “Immortals” franchise by Perfect World, many are worried if a sequel is released too soon and if Battle of the Immortals will now be deemed as redundant.…
[G*Star 2010] TERA confirms P2P in Korea; China can wait
At Hangame’s G*Star 2010 press conference yesterday, CEO Kangsuk Kim and Lead developer, Hyunkyu Park, confirmed that TERA will be going Pay to Play (P2P) in Korea with a monthly subscription fee. Other than NCsoft and Blizzard Korea, there have…
Ether Saga braces for major expansion
Ether Saga China, or Kou Dai Xi You, will be having its major expansion next after the announcement of Perfect World’s 2012 update. Both will be happening in December for the Chinese servers, so it looks like it is going…
[G*Star 2010] Hangame prepares for the show
One of the major MMO companies in Korea, Hangame has released several videos of its upcoming MMos to be displayed at G*Star 2010. A total of 4 games will be on show, mainly TERA Online, ASTA: The War of Tears…
Royal Quest reveals first trailer
Royal Quest, as I introduced a few weeks back, is an MMORPG developed by veterans of the gaming industry who worked on single player titles such as King’s Bounty and Space Rangers 2. Even though the game is in English,…
[G*Star 2010] Project Goblin – Teaser trailer
Korean MMO developer/publisher, WeMade Entertainment, which bought over Silkroad Online developer Joymax a few months ago and currently has its own English MMO portal,has released a teaser trailer for Project Goblin, one of their new MMOs for 2011 which will…
Travia 2 announced
Developed by Korean company, Zemi Interactive, Travia 2 was just announced and is currently recruiting players for tis Closed Beta phase in Korea. If the game sounds familiar, you might have read about the game somewhere or even played it. Well, its…
Perfect World 2012 – Official theme song
Well, if you have not heard about the upcoming expansion for Perfect World International, read on. Known as Perfect World 2012 in the China server, the game will see a drastic change in environment (ala WoW’s Cataclysm), new races, new…
Singapore invests $60mil in MMO firm
Gazillion Entertainment — which owns NetDevil, the developer behind recently launched MMORPG Lego Universe — raised $60 million in a new round of funding led by Singaporean private equity firm Temasek Holdings. Temasek Holdings is also known as the investment…
Mabinogi Heroes – Episode 7
Mabinogi Heroes, by Nexon Korea, has just revealed a new trailer for its upcoming update, Episode 7. Spotting new (and rather hideous) lizard monsters, it looks like the dungeons are now filled with even more traps for players to overcome.…