Jade Dynasty 2 – English server

Yes, Jade Dynasty 2 is going live on the English server on 12th November. Like I always said, Perfect World Entertainment’s games are always the most updated. The Chinese version of Jade Dynasty 2 only went live last month, and…

Dragonica – Future updates 2

This new post will be a continuation of the old post, since the Chinese servers are once again getting new content updates and features. Spoilers alert, so please think carefully before clicking on the “Read more” link you see below.…

PWI – Rising Tide preview

Here’s a new dungeon featured in the upcoming Perfect World International expansion, Rising Tide. If you have missed out on the new Tideborn race, click here. This dungeon was said to be a palace in ancient times, which was later…

gPotato to publish SevenCore

Gala-Net, more commonly known as gPotato, has been reported to acquire a 3-year rights to publish SevenCore (English) in 2010, with service areas including USA, Europe, South America and Japan (Japanese server). gPotato will be really busy in the coming…


Unigine™ is a cross-platform real-time 3D engine. It stands on the cutting edge of the technology and provides the ultimate power for interactive virtual worlds (modern games and virtual reality systems). The engine contains photorealistic 3D render, powerful physics module,…

Lego Universe – Gameplay details

Colorado developer NetDevil has been showing off LEGO Universe gameplay for the first time in San Francisco this week, and Eurogamer was there to see it in action. An ambitious MMO that attempts to pull all the disparate themes of…

LOCO – Heroes trailer

Here is the latest trailer introducing the playable characters in LOCO (Land of Chaos Online) at initial launch.

Ragnarok Online – 3rd jobs

I might be a few weeks slow on this, so please pardon me. Here are the 3rd advance classes for Ragnarok Online. Some of the class names might sound weird, but some are totally awesome ~! All the English servers…

Magic World Online 2 – Preview

I am sure most gamers have heard of Magic World Online, the first MMORPG to ever feature a legal botting system in the game. Basically, it has every features of the illegal 3rd part bot programs out there, including auto…

MU Online: Blue

Webzen Korea has just announced their newest game, MU Online: Blue. Reports did not mention if its an expansion or totally new game, but if I remembered correctly, the updates to MU Online are known as Seasons, with the current…

Zerodine Engine

Zerodine Engine is a new MMORPG engine developed by Korean Oneal Jang, who also developed RF (Rising Force) Online. Providing the world’s first perfectly specialized 3D engine gives many strong advantages for MMORPG development. Zerodin Engine supports multi-core rendering structure…

Turbulent Kingdom Online

Turbulent Kingdom Online is a new MMORTS which was initially developed by GameAllo, and development was later taken over by Mobicle. The game itself is based on a 1999 console RTS game (that’s really old). The setting is based on…

TERA – Snake Isle & Vampire Hill

Over the past 2 weeks, the official Korean website for TERA has revealed 2 new areas to the players. They are named Snake Island and Vampire Hill. The original inhabitants of Snake Island stayed in on the main continent and…

CryEngine 3 – Next gen gaming

If you are really a gamer, you should have heard about CryEngine, the game engine which is used to make games like FarCry and Aion: The Tower of Eternity. The second generation, CryEngine 2, is used to develop games including…