Loosely translated as Snow Jade Palace, this is the 3rd heroic dungeon released for the recent White Blue Mountain content update, or Blade & Soul 2.0. This is no doubt the toughest dungeon so far, with several harsh requirements needed…
Blade & Soul – Winners for costume design contest announced
A little late with this news due to ChinaJoy stuff, but better late than never! NCsoft held a costume design for Blade & Soul a couple of months back, and the results were announced recently. The champion design can be…
Blade & Soul – Experiencing the game through Sony 3D headsets
Blade & Soul needs no introduction by now, and I shall not go into details. China’s publisher, Tencent Games, is showcasing the game over at ChinaJoy 2013, with special booths equipped with virtual reality headsets for a true 3D experience.…
Blade & Soul – New trailer arrives for first part of major content update
Folks were emailing me about Blade & Soul going “2.0” in Korea, but after looking around, NCsoft hasn’t started labelling the game with a version number, but rather “Chapter 1” or “Season 1” of the game has been ended, with…
Blade & Soul – White Blue Mountain Range update confirmed for late June
The new content, announced more than a month ago, will finally be hitting the Korean servers on 26th June, which is exactly a week from now. A new level cap, new PvP map, new dungeons, new gears, this is suppsoedly…
Blade & Soul – New areas preview for White Blue Mountain Range
Announced a couple of weeks ago, it seems that the While Blue Mountain Range will finally be updated into the Korean server soon. Blade & Soul’s biggest content update so far thus far, various new areas will be added, including…
Blade & Soul – Cash shop preview stuns players with low prices
Closed Beta 3 for Blade & Soul China started a couple of hours ago, and publisher Tencent Games included the cash shop in the latest client version. A sneak peek at the prices revealed that the cheapest item costs 1.80…
Blade & Soul: Attack on Chicken – New video cooking up a fowl storm
An avid Korean fan of both Japanese anime and Blade & Soul, apparently named Magus, decided to mix his 2 current love together into a game video. And yes, the result is as seen below. Care to guess which…
Lineage: The Second Moon – First of many NCsoft mobile games to come
NCsoft’s first mobile game based on its hit online games, Lineage: The Second Moon, launched in Japan recently. Co-developed with mobile giant, GREE, the storyline of the game takes place within the Lineage Online lore, with heroes becoming cards. …
Blade & Soul – China server announces Free-to-Play model
Yes, it has been confirmed. The China server for Blade & Soul, under publisher Tencent Games, will be utilizing a Free-to-Play business model, together with a cash shop of course. There will also be a VIP subscription call “Blade & Soul…
Blade & Soul – Art director reveals release window for English server
[Source] Elle, an illustrator & gallery painter currently based in South Korea, recently had the opportunity to tour NCsoft’s office with her Korean friend. Being a huge fan of Hyung-Tae Kim, art director of Blade & Soul, she was led…
Tencent Games – Roundup of the other major news from annual event
The annual product announcement event just ended for China’s biggest online gaming company, Tencent Games, and the most prominent titles include Naruto Online and Monster Hunter Online. Below are just a few of the other major titles to round up…
Blade & Soul – NCsoft prepares to ban players involved in new exploit
Last night, NCsoft took down Blade & Soul Korea for an emergency maintenance, which lasted 1 hour. Curious players wondered what happened, and it was later discovered that a fix has been applied to solve a critical exploit in the…
Blade & Soul – The intricate blade designs of the game
I know, everyone is anxious at the lack of news for the western server of Blade & Soul. There is no chance in hell NCsoft is dropping it, so stay calm 🙂 A player from the Korean server compiled a…